

사 업 명



비 고

SK Hynix, SG Rationalization and BP Integrated Evaluation PI Consulting

2018.04 ~ 2018.07

SK Hynix (Korea)

Seoul National University Hospital Treatment Support Process Innovation Consulting

2015.11 ~ 2016.02

Seoul National University Hospital

Process Consulting, Hospital Business Innovation

City of Seoul Cloud Consulting

2015.05 ~ 2015.07

Seoul, Korea

Data Center Operation Guideline & Manual

Brunei National Data Center Feasibility, Business, and Architecting Consulting

2012.08 ~ 2013.02

Brunei Development Center

Data Center Establishment, Revenue Model Planning

Hyundai Green Power Inter System AWS Consulting & Migration

2020.08 ~ 2020.09

Hyundai Green Power

ERP, Groupware, Power Generator operation system cloud consulting & migration​

BGC Partners and Affiliates Cloud Migration Consulting

2016.08 ~ 2016.10

BGC Partners (New York, US)

Cloud Migration Strategy, Cost Analysis, Public Cloud Vendor Selection Process, High-Level Architecture

Review the feasibility of promoting new business through Lock & Lock retail format and establish all strategies

2018.12 ~ 2019.01

Lock & Lock (Korea)

AMOREPACIFIC, 2nd Step of Upgrading the Regular Audit System for Suppliers

2017.04 ~ 2017.10


AMOREPACIFIC, the 1st Step of Upgrading the Regular Audit System for Suppliers (ab)

2016.11 ~ 2016.12


SK Innovation Next Generation ERP Implementation PMO

2019.01 ~ 2020.12

SK Innovation (Korea)

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