Reference Cases

Cloud Based Research Portal System(Business Intelligent System)

The Business Intelligent (BI) system of a global financial company based in the United States that provides energy/ship brokerage and LNG/LPG market trend information As it is operated in an outdated

technology base (.net) and Legacy Data Center, the usability and operability were poor.

To improve this, By transferring and developing based on WordPress and AWS Cloud, the development cost was reduced to 1/5 of the expected level and redeveloped into a system with excellent usability and stability.

10+ Years old legacy energy trading system(Co2, REC, Carbon, Etc.)

Old technology based on C++ & MSSQL and require major security and vulnerability upgrade

MS BI Solution : High Operation & Support Cost

Outdate UI and UX Design

Market Trend Analysis Report and Market Data

Market Data is Updated Monthly Basis

Manual Maintenance of User Subscription & Entitlements

Linux/ WordPress/ PHP / AWS Cloud Based

Major Design and User Interface Improvements

Market Trend Analysis / Maintenance / Advanced Search Function (Including PDF)

Provides Custom Market Data based on 3 ~15 Filters and Search

WordPress Performance Enhanced AWS Architecture

Architecture & Application Security meeting the requirements for US Financial Industry

24h x 365d Online Monitoring, Maintenance & Support

Based on the latest proven Open-Source technology

Hybrid architecture on the AWS cloud

WordPress Enhanced AWS Architecture

Latest UI/UX Design

24h x 365d online monitoring, maintenance support service

Market trend report registration / management / search function (including PDF)

WordPress / PHP

Provide personalized Market Data information

Cloud architecture and application security that meets the security requirements of the US financial sector

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